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What Is SEO

What Is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which allows you to increase traffic to your website from search engine results. You can attract visitors from all around the world. But most importantly you want to attract visitors who are genuinely curious about what your site has to offer.

Search Engine Optimization is complex and ever-changing, but anyone can quickly learn the basics. Even modest SEO knowledge makes a big difference in your dream to drive traffic from search engines.

SEO in the wild ultimately comes down to optimizing the content on your website to be discovered through a search engine’s organic search results.

How do you optimize your content for SEO?

Think of search engines like digital libraries for pages in a never-ending book about everything. Or what search engines call an index.

When you search a question in a search engine, it looks through all the pages that are relevant to your question. If you have an article on your website that appears to answer the question, google can serve your page as one of the many results returned to the user.

In simple terms, SEO works by showing search engines that your content is the best for the query requested by the user on the search engine.

Though search engine optimization can get quite complex especially when you are trying to figure out what type of “SEO” you need to do. But rest assured it is not overly complicated when it comes to optimizing your content for Search Engines.

Optimize Your Content For SEO:

  • Title Specific To Users Query
  • Meta Descriptions To Generate Clicks
  • Well presented content that is easy to follow.

Ultimately SEO is all about improving your site’s rankings in the organic (non-paid) section of the search results that will help you achieve a goal. You do this by ensuring you meet specific quality guidelines for search engines like Google & Bing:

Google Quality Guidelines:

Bing Webmaster Quality Guidelines:

If you are interested about what SEO means for you and your website and want to leverage it to increase your website traffic, contact Respawn today. We will be happy to help you learn more about SEO by emailing our support team found here: Respawn Agency

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