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What Should A B2B Facebook Lead Look Like? Respawn Reddit Response

A question was asked recently on Reddit in regards to what B2B leads on facebook should look like. The respawn agency took the time to respond and write this comment to the user. You can read the full post here: reddit and our response is below.

You may want to consider your audience as a whole. Granted, Facebook has some of the best reach, it does not perform well in all markets. Facebook tends to do much much better on a B2B then B2B as a side note. Business consumers tend to research and compare a lot more; With that said certain B2B services do very well. I would investigate the audiences tab and search specific interests of your b2b potential prospects and make sure there is enough interest on the platform for it.

If you are having trouble converting leads, another route is foregoing direct page ads, building a community around the interests, creating a page likes campaign, then inviting those likes to join your community. Then run promotions within the group. You simply just need to build the community following first. With the new changes to Facebook recently, this is probably one of the best routes to go at the moment.

Or you can select a platform specifically for B2B like linkedin. hope this helps you with your future marketing company.

As for design, you have to base this once again on the audience you want to show the ad to. Do the psychological research on these interest groups and find out what that interest group is willing to click on. Example: Interests groups related to coupons react really well to big buttons on the ad with price off or discount percentage with words like “limited time”, “only while supplies last” with the product image in the background. Hiring good designers is key to create engaging ads.

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